Catálogo en Línea
Monitoreo del sistema bancario e indicadores macroprudenciales. Curso taller, México, D.F., 20-24 septiembre 2004
El CD-ROM Contiene:
1.Estabilidad financiera y el diseño de la política monetaria.
2.Las pruebas de estrés en los programas de evaluación del sistema financiero; Roberto Blanco Escolar y Alicia García Herrero
3.Leading indicator models of banking crises, a critical review; Bank of England.
4.Banking system liquidity: developments and issues.
5.Monetary stability, financial stability and the business cycle: five views. BIS Papers No. 18; Monetary and Economic Department of BIS.
6.Some new directions for financial stability? ; C.A.E. Goodhart, Deputy Director, Financial Markets Group, London School of Economics
7.Towards a macroprudential framework for financial supervision and regulation?. BIS Papers No. 128 ; Claudio BorioMonetary and Economic Department of BIS.
8.The transformation of the european financial system. Central banks and financial stabiliy: exploring a land in between.
9.Depositor behavior and market discipline
10.Are currency crises predictable? a test.
11.Assesing early warning systems: how have they worked in practice?
12.Does deposit insurance increase banking system stability?
13.Determinant of ex-ante banking system distress: a macro-micro empirical of some recent episodes.
14.Sources of contagion: finance or trade?
15.The benefits and cost of intervening in banking crises.
16.Leading indicators of currency crises.
17.Analytical Tools of the FSAP
18.Financial Soundness Indicators—Background Paper
19.Stress testing financial system: what to do when the governor calls.
20.Macroprudential Indicators of financial system soundness.
21.Financial markets contagion in the Asian crisis.
22.Budget deficits and inflation: the role of central bank independence and financial market development.
23.Should banking supervision and monetary Policy Tasks Be Given to diferent Agencies?
24.Los bancos centrales como prestamistas de última instancia.
25.Does Central Bank independence lower inflation?
26.Asymmetric information, the financias system and economic growth.
27.A survey of institutional frameworks for financial stability.
28.Does regulatory governance matter for financial system stability? An empirical analysis.
29.The lender of last resort in today’s financial environment.
Centro de Estudios Monetarios Latinoamericanos, CEMLA. (2004). Monitoreo del sistema bancario e indicadores macroprudenciales. Curso taller, México, D.F., 20-24 septiembre 2004 ([No definido] ed.). s.n..
- Ubicación:Audiovisuales - CD 332.11 - C468m 2156
- Edición:[No definido]
- Ciudad:México, D.F.
- Fecha Publicación2004
- Editorial:s.n.
- ISBN:[No definido]
Inventario | Cooperante | Estado | BarCode | |
1 | 5000041 | Biblioteca Institucional Dr. Víctor Hugo Hurtarte | Disponible |