
Bank Law

Superintendencia del Sistema FinancieroSuperintendencia del Sistema Financiero; Superintendencia del Sistema Financiero


Updated by means of:
• Reforms contained in Legislative Decree No. 955, dated August 21, 2002, Published in the Official
Gazette on September 25, 2002.
• Reforms approved by the Legislative Assembly to articles 59 (paragraph one), 201 (paragraph
three) and 232, through Legislative Decree No. 492 dated October 27, 2004. (See Reforms on
page 99).
• The constitutional court of the Supreme Court of Justice declared the following articles of the Bank
Law non constitutional: 74; 217 letter a), regarding exceptions; 219, paragraphs 1,2 y 3; 221 and
223; by means of sentence dated December 22, 2004, published in the Official Gazette # 6 of
Monday, January 10, 2005, Volume 366, dated December 22, 2004.
• Reforms approved by the legislative Assembly to articles 217, 221 and 232, through legislative
Decree No. 636, published in the Official Gazette No. 74, Volume 367, dated April 21, 2005.


Superintendencia del Sistema FinancieroSuperintendencia del Sistema Financiero; Superintendencia del Sistema Financiero. (2009). Bank Law (1a ed. - San Salvador: SSF, 2009. ed.). Centro de Información y Biblioteca “Dr. Víctor Hugo Hurtarte”.


  • Ubicación:Ebooks7-24 - [No definido] - [No definido]
  • Edición:1a ed. - San Salvador: SSF, 2009.
  • Ciudad:San Salvador
  • Fecha Publicación2009
  • Editorial:Centro de Información y Biblioteca “Dr. Víctor Hugo Hurtarte”
  • Temas:[No definido]
  • ISBN:ISBN : 978-99923-53-27-1


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